Welcome to Jiangsu Pengfei Group Roller press Special website
Roller pressThe roller press machine of Jiangsu Pengfei Group, also known as the extruder, extrusion mill, and roller press mill, is a new type of energy-saving cement grinding equipment with high grinding efficiency and convenient wear-resistant welding. It adopts m
Keywords: Roller press

PFG120-45 roller press machine

Overview: PFG120-45型辊压机是新型水泥节能粉磨设备,采用基于料层粉磨技术,由辊压机、打散、分级、烘干、选粉一体组成粉磨系统,可与球磨机配合组成各种各样的工艺流程,如预粉磨、混合粉磨、半终粉磨及终粉磨等系统。由于粉磨原理的改变,辊压机及其粉磨系统工艺技术,电耗降低50-100%,产量提高100-300%;适用于新厂或老厂的粉磨系统改造,经过挤压后的物料料饼中0.08mm细料占20—35%,小于20mm占65—85%,小颗粒的内部结构因受挤压而充满许多微小裂纹,易...

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    Main features

    1. Roll surface technology (welding materials, equipment, and welding processes) uses hot welding for the roll surface, making maintenance of the wear-resistant layer more convenient. Effectively reducing the generation and propagation of microcracks during the welding process, the hardened layer has high hardness (>HRC58) and toughness, and the service life of the roller surface is over 8000 hours, with simple daily maintenance.
    2. Adopting aviation hydraulic technology makes the hydraulic system of the roller press extremely reliable.
    3. The hydraulic system of the roller press and the complete automatic control system can work together to achieve: load control of the main drive motor of the roller press; Control and automatic correction of left and right gap deviation between two rollers; Fault self diagnosis technology.
    4. The supporting powder selection machine integrates the breaking, grading, and drying of the aggregate cake, and has the characteristics of low operating costs and high operating rates.
    5. The supporting automatic control system adopts fuzzy control principle and is equipped with components from world-renowned suppliers.

    Design and Configuration

    Wear resistant lining
    The pressure roller of PFG has a layer of wear-resistant lining that has been welded, which can be used for welding solid shafts or hot press fit bushings.
    The worn surface can be restored by welding. If necessary, repair of damaged points or welding of the entire surface can be carried out without moving the roller.
    Feeding control system
    In order to facilitate the formation of extruded material cakes, the HRP roller press has an electric feeding control door, which can make the feeding start smooth and help adjust the output or energy consumption of the roller press. Setting up a feeding control door is beneficial when dealing with multiple types of materials, but it is necessary for forming a cake.
    configuration option
    The roller press can be used to form a grinding system in the following ways:
    As a pre grinder, the roller press grinds the new feed, and the ground material then enters the ball mill grinding circuit.
    As a semi final grinding equipment, the PFG roller press operates in a closed circuit together with the disperser and dynamic powder selector.
    Fine materials are finally ground in a single chamber ball mill. In this configuration, the PFG roller press can be arranged more compactly and efficiently by using a two-stage powder selector to work together with the ball mill. For certain types of feed and certain final products, the PFG roller press can operate as a final grinding system without the need for a ball mill. The PFG roller press operates together with the two-stage powder selection machine in a closed circuit, which can result in lower operating and investment costs.

    Technical Parameter

    Roller press model PFG
    Roller diameter Φ 2000 Φ 1800 Φ 1800 Φ 1700 Φ 1600 Φ 1500 Φ 1400 Φ 1400 Φ 1400 Φ 1400 Φ 1200 Φ 1200
    Roller width 1800 1600 1200 1000 1400 1000 1200 850 700 650 600 500
    Roller surface linear velocity (m/s) 1.83 1.74 1.75 1.47 1.47 1.50 1.52 1.46 1.48 1.48 1.47 1.47
    Normal working roll gap (mm) 25-50 25-45 24-45 25-45 25-45 22-40 18-35 18-35 18-35 18-35 16-30 16-30
    Maximum feeding particle size (mm) 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 55 55
    Maximum feeding temperature (℃) ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 130
    Pre crushing ability Clinker (t/h) 1000-1250 920-1120 650-750 480-620 600-720 460-500 460-530 300-350 240-334 240-300 110-165 115-170
    Raw material (t/h) 1050-1280 920-1150 700-820 500-650 650-760 480-520 485-550 320-390 280-360 260-320 175-220 130-195
    Main motor Model number YRKK7104-4 YR6302-4 YR560-4 YR5004-4 YRKK630-6 YR5002-4 YR500-4 YR560-6 YR5001-8 YR5001-8 Y355L-6 Y315L-6
    Power (kw) 2000× 2 1600× 2 1250× 2 900× 2 1120× 2 710× 2 800× 2 560× 2 500× 2 500× 2 280× 2 250× 2
    Speed (r/min) 1000 1490 1480 1485 993 1485 1485 1485 740 740 960 960
    Voltage (v) ~10000 ~10000 ~10000 ~10000 ~10000 ~10000 ~10000 ~10000 ~600 ~600 ~380 ~380
    Main gearbox model GYM23PZN GYM2292N GYM18PZN RPG29 GYM18P2N RPG26 RPG28 PRG23 XGL48 XGL48 XGM38 XGL38
    Whole machine weight (t) 290 250 250 208 212 178 176 125 120 115 68 64